Here is my experience (in the form of ten shots) with Fomapan Classic 100. This is a film manufactured by Foma Bohemia — a Czech company, established in 1921 and producing films, photographic papers and chemicals even today.
Here is a link to the page with technical details of Fomapan Classic 100 film.
Fomapan has a number of formats (and speeds), but the one that I played with is in 6.5×9 cm size, expired in 2007. I used Mamiya RB67 with film holder type J.
This is the leaflet from my pack of this film:
The following frames I shot during the winter months that linked like a stapler 2018 and 2019.
The above frames I developed with xTol for 7 min. @ 20° Celsius.
The pictures that follow are shot with orange and red gradient filters and developed with Kodak D76 for 7 minutes.
Fomapan 100 is often described as a film with visible to high amount of grain — like, objectively visible grain, but subjectively high grain. To help you decide yourself I uploaded large files for most of the negatives.
There are 50 sheets of film in my packs, so that equals 5 rolls of 120 rolls of film, shot as 6×7 cm.
As a summary:
- panchromatic, black and white negative film with acceptable level of grain;
- very good contrast, especially in sunny days;
- this film will not drain your budget.
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